Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Social Justice and Multicultural Education

So far, I have been working diligently toward finding research that will help me to uncover what I'm looking for........."How can I help my students understand what they are reading in the textbook?" I find that my students really struggle to understand the way the book presents material and assesses their understanding. Of course, when I clarify the material for them they understand it, but that doesn't help them glean the information from the text when I'm not around to help them.

Regarding social justice and multicultural education, I find that my ARP is centered around each issue. My chemistry and physics students are an extremely diverse group of students. They are economically striated, culturally diverse, and academically varied in their readiness to comprehend scientific information.

To date, I haven't decided what issue I plan to focus on within my ARP. Currently, I'm leaning toward socio-economic differentiation. I wonder how household income and parental education levels affect the ability for my students to comprehend science information? Do the students who understand the difficult text have advantages outside of school that attribute to their academic success? or is it all about dedication to learning? Only time will tell. I'm looking forward to more research. If anyone has suggestions regarding journal articles or scientific studies that will help with my ARP, please comment. As for now......more research is needed.


LothLorien Stewart said...

Socioeconomic level would be very interesting too look at. In my opinion it can make a large difference. Money=experiences for many students. If one has enough money one may also have more access to books, museums, internet, extracurricular activities, etc. than an equally intelligent student with less financial resources. What is the socioeconomic breakdown at your school?

Sandra Seals said...

I think that's a great idea. I have been struggling on how I can incorporate social justice and multicultural education into my ARP. I think I just found out from my peer.....THANKS!