Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What I'm finding out about the way I teach

Today was a great day in chemistry! The unbelievable stories that were turned in were incredible. At first, my students were reluctant to try writing a story in chem. class, but after organizing small writing groups, brain-storming activities, and feedback from me, my students seemed to acknowledge that they really learned and understood the content that was being presented to them.
I believe kids really want to be challenged in school and I am convinced that, as teachers, we also need to challenge ourselves in our own classrooms. By implementing story writing, I was able to really enjoy the content and learn more about the character of my students. Not only did I learn about what they knew about electron placement, I also was presented with a window into their lives. What a treat! Science teacher's usually don't get that view.
I plan to incorporate more reading and writing strategies that will engage and challenge my students and myself. I can't wait for what I will think of next!


Kimberly V. Marcis said...

I would love to read one of your chem stories that your students wrote. Sounds like it was a truly inspiring activity for you. I remember when I taught high school science last year and did a unit on conflict diamonds, I had my students write their response to the use of conflict diamonds. Some students wrote amazing insights into the international injustice. I'm glad that you had this experience.

LothLorien Stewart said...

Keep it up. You are definitely doing a great thing for your students by showing them how to think across the curriculum. I applaud you!